Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hosts Nancy Alspaugh-Jackson and Jerry Penacoli to Film Denim & Diamond Video Promo

Autism Care and Treatment's Executive Director Nancy Alspaugh-Jackson and EXRTA TV's Entertainment Reporter Jerry Penacoli are scheduled to shoot the 5th Annual Denim and Diamonds video promotion next week!

The co-hosts will film the marketing campaign video in the studio of EXTRA TV.

"This is a new element we're adding to the 5th Annual Denim and Diamonds," says Event Producer Daphne Plump. "It's the 5th annual so we really want to roll out many new elements with the sole purpose of attracting sponsors and attendees, and retain our dedicated supporters...all of which will translate into much needed funds for children with autism."

Alspaugh-Jacksoin and Penacoli are scheduled to shoot the 5th Annual Denim and Diamonds video on Tuesday, June 22nd. It will be made available starting July 01st - with a sneak peek - right here - on

For more information about the 

5th Annual Denim and Diamonds for Autism,